policy shift

美 [ˈpɑːləsi ʃɪft]英 [ˈpɒləsi ʃɪft]
  • 政策转变;政策变更
policy shiftpolicy shift
  1. So far the economic impact of the policy shift has been limited .


  2. Global trade issues best reveal China 's policy shift , and also its policy dilemma .


  3. The policy shift was an apparent response to heavy media coverage .


  4. The White House promises a major policy shift .


  5. Some analysts see the apparent policy shift as a sign of confidence .


  6. And they also mark a notable policy shift at a time of rising concern about the disease .


  7. There would be another big policy shift if the monetary world were less oriented to American concerns and ideology .


  8. The danger is that his suggested policy shift is over-interpreted .


  9. I doubt that this smart , diplomatic renminbi policy shift is anything more than that .


  10. He made a surprise policy shift last week , announcing that all nuclear plants would undergo a full safety assessment .


  11. After British foreign policy shift , the British began to establish cooperation with Chinese , and fighted against Japan .


  12. The policy shift is also taking place as pressure builds on the Cuban government to authorise unlimited internet access .


  13. Webb 's visit has raised speculation of a policy shift in Washington toward the repressive state .


  14. Diversification of public services is not only theory and policy shift in the western context , but also realistic steering of the public service practice .


  15. The concern is that the current climate is indicative of a deeper policy shift – but it is not too late .


  16. The land reclamation carried out by Qing government in late Qing in Ordos region is a huge policy shift toward the Mongolian .


  17. A statement from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the U.S. policy shift " indefensible . "


  18. Because of national policy shift , the requirements of enterprise restructuring and the development of the social security system , the social security system of state-owned enterprises has to reform .


  19. In the absence of such a policy shift by the Chinese , the road ahead will be bumpy for both the US and Japan .


  20. China 's slower exports , however , were largely due to the government 's export policy shift , not the credit crunch , Fan said .


  21. Those working in sectors such as steel say that , like the 2008 stimulus , state-owned companies are likely to benefit most from the policy shift .


  22. Although China is unlikely to repeat the giant financial stimulus of 2009 , many economists believe the policy shift will succeed in boosting economic growth .


  23. As with population growth in Iran , the accumulation of carbon in the atmosphere is not something that can be reversed by a policy shift .


  24. The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization welcomed the announcement , as an " encouraging policy shift to help the poor and hungry .


  25. My own guess is that one would have to make a much longer-term commitment to a higher rate of inflation for such a policy shift to be credible .


  26. Defending the policy shift , Health minister Matt Hancock says partial protection for more people will do more good than full protection for a select few .


  27. Clinton confirmed the policy shift at a news conference Thursday with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Budapest .


  28. The policy shift means altering the existing work-for-the-dole program so the long-term jobless are encouraged into projects that develop skills in areas of demand .


  29. However , more bullish analysts hold that the tightening effects have been limited to a few sectors and believe a policy shift could be around the corner .


  30. Meanwhile , analysts say Vietnam also faces similar inflationary pressures and a policy shift to let the Dong appreciate against the dollar may already be under way .
